Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Summer Reflections

I love summer camp. I love everything about it. The dizzying heat, the sunburned parts from french braids, the smell of sunscreen, the campfire smoke in my eyes, the smell of it on my clothes, the hugs from campers, the refreshing Dr.Peppers in the afternoon, the early morning staff meetings & the coffee to get us started and to keep us all awake, the Bible Studies & wide eyes the campers give when they "get it".

We have just finished our summer camp program here at Camp Winchester. 7 entire weeks now behind us. I already miss it so much. Where does the time go?! It seems just yesterday we were stressing over wondering if everything was together, if all the needed purchases had been made... if the camper registrations were all in and overflows were worked out. And now, we're left cleaning up left behind crafts, storing used programming tools and filing schedules, registrations and assorted papers. An incredible summer behind us has left wonderful memories behind, new friends to keep in contact with, new commitments to keep and new challenges to face with new resolve. Let's do it well!

This summer we were talking about delight, from Psalm 37, "Delight yourself in the Lord and He will give you the desires of your heart." Truly it was awesome to see the girls understand that the Lord is for them. That He loves them in a real and personal way. We shared delight stories about what the Lord will do and has done just to see us smile and to laugh out loud for joy in Him! The best thing was having a couple girls come to me and thank me for sharing. That that was what they needed to hear. And then to even recieve email follow-ups from one about what the Lord has done already to show her His love and delight! - I am so pumped! But then the question comes to me, why? Why me? Why Camp Winchester? Why does He choose to use this place to recieve His glory. It truly humbles me and I pray He always recieves the glory, the honor and the praise. I love Him so.

These would be some of our summer volunteers... love them all!

1 comment:

  1. Hannah,
    You are amazing!!! Thais summer was AMAZING!!!!! Paise the FATHER!!!!! I LOVE YOU GIRL AND MISS YOU!!!! :D
    Gigantor!!! Hahahhaa i like that you,... hope you would know who this is!!!
