Summer is sneaking up on me so fast!!! Seriously? Seriously! Where did March and April go? After I realized what a short amount of time I have left, I went directly home from work at Mt. Calvary yesterday and spent the rest of the day confined to my home office... trying to organize staff, find crafts, come up with creative games and think of Campfire Stories and Bible Studies.
So. Stinkin. Much. To. Do.
Hey... which reminds me. Two things we need this summer. Maybe you can help me out...
1) If you know of anywhere we might could purchase cheap or know of ways to build bleachers for our rodeo arena... I've looked on craigslist and found only a construction/supplier. We'll be looking into that, but if you have experience in bleachers, please call me or my dad! Elisabeth will be leading all our morning Bible Studies with the horses, teaching spiritual life lessons by using her horse training as examples. In years past we've drug picnic tables over, but it's time to take a step up. We also need the bleachers for our rodeo day for parents and families to sit.
2) This might just be a shot in the dark, but I won't know unless I try. I would love, love to find a vine to use for an object lesson this summer. I haven't taken a hike in the woods yet, looking, but it's on the to-do list. Maybe you could too? So. This vine needs to be strong and keep it's curly shape. And it needs to be able to wrap around a branch/stick.... preferrably one I can take in and out... but if they're wound tightly together and unseparate-able, that's okay too. The idea I'm going for is "I am the vine, you are the branches... if you abide in Me...." get the picture? If anyone comes up with anything close, let me know! You'll definitely be my hero! :)
As a side note, I am supposed to be working for Mt. Calvary from home this summer through June and July. I'll be preparing bulletins from my home computer and emailing them to the church by Thursday each week so they can be printed before the weekend. I know it can be done... well, as long as my computer and software don't give me major issues. But I just need the sanity to be sure it is done well with everything else going on at the camp.
So anyhow... I would definitely love love any prayers you might be able to offer up for me, for my family, for our staff and for our camp this summer. God is always amazing during the summer months. I know 2010 will not be an exception. I'm really looking forward to what HE is going to do! - And I really want to be prepared on my end!
Blessings and love!