Monday, April 26, 2010


I've been thinking about the word, "Influence" a lot recently. Not neccessarily using the word in my musings, but just pondering the whole concept of influence and everything it entails. Over the past few weeks, looking at what I've been doing I've seen how many opportunities I've had for influence, and for leadership... I've been working in a church office, planning for summer camp, leading girls' ministry and singing and serving in churches all over this area. "Leadership" and "Influence" to me, seems to walk hand in hand, for leading is simply guiding or influencing the way of another.

So, I was browsing on our Digital Bible Library, looking up references in Scripture having to do with influence and I was overloaded with information. But, time and again, I've seen that you don't have to be thrown into a major leadership role in order to have influence on those around you. We've been studying Missions and Missionaries in King's Daughters recently, and I've told the girls over and over again, you don't have to be an overseas missionary, a pastor or teacher in order to "be a missionary" and to influence others. Just the fact that you are living and breathing gives you permission to influence and lead. I read somewhere, that Leadership is not a responsibility afforded to only a few but a privilege given by God to all. And Jesus asked every believer to participate in showing others the way to eternal life. So now, as believers, our permission has been changed to responsiblility. And what a responsiblilty it is. Now, I am one who will often find myself bent out of shape over the responsiblities and expectations I believe have been laid on me. But I have seen that with whatever He has placed before me, He will give me the means to fulfill and He will, Himself be there to help me carry out.

And right along with that, recently also, it's been a burden and passion on my heart for the church to understand we are the body of Christ, wherever we are. And I'm saying this just as much to myself as to any of you who may read this... You may be all alone in your work place, or at your school, the only Christian around, but you are the body of Christ in that place. You may not feel like it, but you do have an opportunity to reach people, to minister to people that your Pastor, your small group leader, your mentor cannot, and quite possibly will never reach. The Lord has given that responsiblity to you. And dear friend, redgardless of how you feel about it. He will equip you to do it.

I heard just this past week, someone talking about our being the body of Christ wherever we are. So often, she was saying, we wonder why He even allows us to participate in His plans for His people. He puts before us a task, that He is completely able to do - without us. And yes, of course He is. But, my friend, He want to use us... with all our weaknessess and failures and downfallings to bring about His purpose. So that we will give Him the glory.

So let's get busy people!! Take this to heart. "You may be the only Bible someone may ever read. You may be the Jesus someone may ever see." Let them see HIM in you!

Can I hear an AMEN?!


1 comment:

  1. Hey Hannah!
    Great post, so true!!
    But, on another matter, my mom and a couple friends mom's have tried to contact you via phone and e-mail, to no avail. Just wondering if everything's ok...

